Corporate Profile

1st of April in 2021 was the 75th anniversary of Sankyo Kasei Sangyo.

I stated the company mission on that occasion expecting the hopeful start of our company’s coming future. I am very pleased to remind the mission using this opportunity of revising our corporate profile.

It is needless to say that “Corporate Social Responsibility” has been very intensive claim for all of companies. While deliberating CSR carefully and taking its economical, social and environmental factors into enough consideration, we stand on a valuable business where our proposal and information on the new and effective value and usage of plastics are of use for customers ; valued customers, suppliers and related partners.
I believe it is our mission that we create a better society pursuing this business behaviour.

I set up our strategic policies on the basis of the mission.
We would like to be the most dependable partner when the customers need the assistance or outsourcing of their procurement.
We also would like to play a roll as the most adequate partner when the suppliers need the support for their business expansion and global development.

Regarding the environmental issue, we work on this matter aggressively. Since we have obtained ISO 14001 certificate, we have put much effort on proposing and providing the Eco-friendly commodities, materials and these combined systems. We continue this promotion more than ever.
In addition, we promote the attractive Information Technology system, which brings much benefit to our related partners by rationalizing the ordering system for B-to-B network, websites and e-mails in order to accelerate the operation.

Hereafter, Sankyo Kasei Sangyo will concentrate on making the new business-relations with the excellent customers and on promoting new superior products so as to make our great progress for the future. We will be always work hard to seek for the questions&answers and keep trying on what we have to do in order to satisfy our clients. We are very much pleased to have good relations with our related partners through close communications so that we are able to improve our capability and services.
We will always keep it in our mind that we have to talk with the customers and suppliers much more respectfully and keep strong ties mutually than ever. I hope Sankyo Kasei Sangyo to be our client’s most trusted partner.

Finally, I would like to express our heartful thanks every customers and suppliers for the continuous grace and encouragement bestowed on us.

Company Policy

We support our customers widely to respond their varified needs related to the followings items;raw materials, films, sheets materials, fabricating devices, fabricated products, latest information and technology.We afford a total system of rationalised physical distribution and management on a global scale.Furthermore, we actively advance an eco-friendly business by taking careful consideration of the environment and promote eco-friendly products, as well as being a company that can contribute positively to society.We continue to place our best efforts to better our services and products in order to satisfy our customers.
